Wednesday, 20 July 2011

So Much For The British Summer

Typical, just as soon as you're ready to get the shorts and t-shirts on and start cleaning those windows, the sky turns grey and it starts pi*s*ng it down. Bloody typicall. Still, this is what you get when you choose to live in the British Isles. Oh well. For us window cleaners it's not just the fact that we can't take our shirts off and try to get a bit of tan during the summer, we may also face problems for the custies, mostly new ones, not wanting to have their windows cleaned when it rains. This is a common objection, especially from customers not familiar with Water Fed Pole Systems. Once i take the time to educate them, and explain that it really doesn't make a difference if it's raining or if it's dry - the outcome will still be the same; nice clean windows.

Aside from the crappy weather and explaining to customers, I like to monitor my water consumption rates during the summer and compare with spring or winter over the same time period. Invariably I find, fairly obviously, that my water consumption rate is higher in the summer because of too things: I usually have more work on, and 2. on the rare days it is hot those first and second cleans require more water to be squirted on the glass. Id be interested to know your experience and if you do any monitoring and seasonality comparisons. Also, do you change your gear during the summer months or set-up completely?

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