Friday, 17 June 2011

Summer's Here

So finally the sun is shinning, well a little if you glimpse hard enough, and there's plenty of windows to be a cleanin'. This summer, Ive got a new van mount set up, and hoping to cut down on my daily water consumption, by using some "recycled" water that I've collect in a large rain butt and then pump out and process through my RO. Simples.
With growing concern these days for environmentalism, and conservation of water I'd be interested to know how other WFPs are making their systems more efficient and cutting down on their water use on a daily basis. Its definitely an important issue. But, probably more important is the billions of gallons that private water companies waste as well. So, when custies start moaning about how much water WFP uses, it really gets my goat. Oh well, rant over. Let's get cleanin' dem windows.

This week's top 3 of my Playlist for washing the windows:

lupe fiasco kick push

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