Monday 5 October 2009

How to clean windows in rainy weather

With it raining lots recently it raises an important problem that window cleaners using water fed poles must face and combat, the problem of "spotting" once the windows drys. This often happens on the first couple of cleans of a new house, little white spots form once the water dries. They can easily be removed with a good scrim cloth, but if you moved away from ladders and onto WFP it kinda defeats the object of the game a little. So what should you do if customers complain of spotting on first cleans. First try giving the windows in question another rinse off, make sure you clean the frames first and then when you come to rinse, perhaps trying lifting the brush a couple of inches off the pane of glass. If this doesn't work try adding a little bit of GG4 into the tank, as this can sometimes solve the problem. (You should check your TDS readings if you're getting a lot of spotting on the windows, as chances are your TDS is too high). As a last solution you can always go back to the traditional way as a once off, cleaning with pure water and using your squeegee, T-Blade and scrim.

A good way to check what other cleaners are doing to combat the spotting problem and others is to go on the forums and ask their advice. You'll be sure to get an answer from someone on them. Here's to no more spotting!

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