Saturday 29 August 2009

Keeping a track of your rounds

So once you've got either your backpack/trolley or van system up and running you'll be out on jobs putting the new equipment into practice. Of course you never know how good your kit is really until you take it for a few test drives. You may find yourself having to tweak certain parts. Perhaps the trailing hose gets caught up, snagged and tangled, disrupting your work. Or maybe you're system is leaking around the connectors. There's always adjustments and improvements you can make.

However, another important part of the business is keeping a track of the work you're doing, who's due for a clean next, and the amounts owing on your rounds. Of course there are several ways you can do this. One is to keep a diary and note down all the houses/premises/offices on your round and when they're due to be cleaned. Another way is to keep a spreadsheet with all the necessary data for you round. Or you can buy software which does this all for you, such as Round tracker. You may prefer to use a combination of these methods. Also, if you're doing canvassing it's a good idea to note down which houses you've canvassed and keep these perhaps on a database with the contact information. Make sure you update your spreadsheet weekly or fortnightly so you can put it to good use.

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